Man and Mollusc
Lesson Plan for Kindergarten to Grade 3

what a mollusc is
- Provide a very
generalized idea of three of the seven molluscan classes:
- Gastropods:Marine,
land and freshwater snails
- Bivalves: Marine (oysters,clams
- Cephalopods: (Octopus,
squids and nautilus)
- Get to know where different
molluscs live
- What do molluscs eat
and what else do they need to live healthy, happy lives
- How do we as humans use
molluscs and why are they so important to us
- How are molluscs like
other animals and how are they different
Shell Hands-on
- Have children bring in
any shells that they might have personally. Place each child's shells in a
zip lock bag and label them well
- Teachers, you may want
to set up a classroom terrarium, aquariums or a similar display. See instructions
on how to do this in the main lesson plan
- Bring in edible shells
that are purchased fro groceries store or from sea food markets so that the
children can actually see the anima, not just its shell. If to be kept for
a few days, these may be preserved in rubbing alcohol
- Set up a display of sea
shelss and have the children try to identify these. Be sure to print out the
"Visual Shell Kit" available to help you out
Story Time:
Read "Sammy's Adventure
to the class. Have a short discussion to see how many things they can learn
about a land snail from the story
Miscellaneous Activities:
(Children's art work, poems etc. can be displayed on the Man
and Mollusc Web site if they would like to see them there. Visit the Kid's Zone
for details.
- Colour prepared molluscan
pictures. Try to provide each child with a gastropod, bivalve and cephalopod
- Draw a snail
- Write their own snail
story, limerick or poem
- Make a classroom poster or collage